The World From April Issue #2

Evan grinned at me, asking if I was on the spectrum or if I had other issues. I felt a little uncomfortable by that question. People usually just assumed I was stupid or high on the spectrum because of being nonverbal. Some people found it offensive that I was even considered on the spectrum, dueContinue reading “The World From April Issue #2”

The World From April Issue #1

“April? April, where are you?” My mother is looking for me, her voice growing more worried by the second. I’m in my closet, hidden under a bunch of pillows and blankets. The door is slightly cracked, with light peeking through. My earbuds are in my ears, but not on, so I can still hear herContinue reading “The World From April Issue #1”

Introducing Me

Art without emotion is like chocolate cake without sugar. -Laurie Halse Anderson My name is Danni. I am a writer, an artist, and now, a blogger! I have always loved during artsy things in my life. In my free time, I enjoy drawing, reading, painting, journaling, writing, theatre, playing Dungeons And Dragons, and hanging outContinue reading “Introducing Me”

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